What Is a Vacuum Elevator? A pneumatic vacuum elevators, or simply a vacuum elevator, is a type of home elevator that uses air pressure to move. It consists of a cab (or cabin) that is attached to a vacuum pump, which uses suction to lift the cab. The cab is then...
Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators
3 Reasons Why Pneumatic Home Elevators Are Superior
Ascend describes the three major reasons why pneumatic home elevators are far superior to any other option on the market. Are you planning to save space but still want all the features and functions of a regular elevator? Pneumatic home elevators are the way to go!...
5 Important Answers About Pneumatic Vacuum Elevators
What is a pneumatic vacuum elevator? A pneumatic vacuum elevator is a vacuum-operated lift commonly used in homes. This type of elevator operated without the usage of an engine room, a pit, pulleys, or cables. Oftentimes, pneumatic vacuum elevators are more...